RIP Don Adams
What can I say? First Bob Denver and now another indelible part of my childhood gone. I was, and still am, a fan of Tennessee Tuxedo, Get Smart, and Inspector Gadget (the Matthew Broderick film was simply unacceptable). And, unlike most GS fans, I felt that the series actually improved towards the end of its run as it began referencing, in its own goofy way, late 60s and early 70s youth culture (including a memorable acid trip for Maxwell Smart.. accidental, of course). It was like a parody counterpoint to Jack Webb's recently revived Dragnet.. which was extremely funny in its own right.
Besides his TV work, Don Adams had a long career as a stand-up comic. In Ted V. Mikels' The Girl In Gold Boots (1969), you can even see his name in lights on the LA Playboy Club's marquee. Would you believe Don Adams doing a blue stand-up act? No? Would you believe Don Adams reciting suggestive limericks?

Besides his TV work, Don Adams had a long career as a stand-up comic. In Ted V. Mikels' The Girl In Gold Boots (1969), you can even see his name in lights on the LA Playboy Club's marquee. Would you believe Don Adams doing a blue stand-up act? No? Would you believe Don Adams reciting suggestive limericks?
Oh, man, I remember those Get Smart paperbacks: back then, it seemed like "William Johnston" was releasing a slim paperback based on a popular teevee series every other week. The Smart paperbacks were particularly forgettable, if memory serves. . .
I used to have a couple in my collection. I can't say the very sight-gag-oriented world of Maxwell Smart quite translates into paperback fiction. Mostly, those books made me wonder about how easy it must be for some writers to crank out material for a paycheck. "William Johnston" must have been a former pulp writer or 1940s radio script man.
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